How do you care for Alcea?

Water flowering hollyhocks deeply every week when they're in bloom. Water перші-роки plants і nonflowering mature ones every 2 weeks or monthly. Saturate the soil to a depth of 2 feet. Water from beneath to avoid wetting the rust-susceptible foliage.

What kind of light do hollyhocks потрібна?

Whether outdoors or indoors hollyhocks thrive best in a full-sun environment, So make sure you have a sunny garden bed. Hollyhocks will manage in partial shade as long as the receive at least six hours of sunlight per day, but the more sunlight they receive, the stronger your hollyhock flower blooms will be.

Are hollyhocks and okra related?

Як member of the Malvaceae or mallow family, hollyhock is related to hibiscus and okra, and it shows in the flowers.

What are the colors of hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks come in a wide variety of colors: blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow and even black. Перемички шпильки є пов'язані з blooms з top to bottom. Hollyhock leaves are large, coarse and palmate в shape.

Do hollyhocks bloom the first year?

Hollyhocks є easy to grow, allthough many varieties are bennial and take 2 years from seed to flower. Один bloom the first year if planted early enough, І інші варіанти вважаються як шорт-оборонені пенсіонери. … Hollyhocks often self-sow, що виробляють legion of volunteers following year.

Do hollyhocks come back every year?

Hollyhock plants readily reseed themselves, так що ви маєте приємний боротьбу, ви маєте життєвий час. Hollyhocks begin as a low rosette floppy, slightly fuzzy leaves. The growth is just vegetative in the first year but by the second year the stem begins to form and flowers appear near the beginning of summer.

Where is the best place to plant hollyhocks?

Hollyhocks do best in a south- or west-facing position in moist but well-drained soil. Chalky, sandy або loamy soils є ideal. Plant them at the back of a border as they can reach heights of 2m or more. Hollyhocks aren't suitable for growing in pots.